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Synthesize Billing introduces List view in response to partner feedback

It's YOUR data - we want you to interact with it the way YOU want!

Introducing List view.

Earlier this month, we enhanced Synthesize by giving partners more control over CSV imports. Today, we introduce a new way of looking at data on the platform with a feature we're calling List view - a response to the feedback we've received from our partners.

We heard that power users of the Billing Module, who were reconciling large numbers of customers or who had more complex billing scenarios, found that our default card view just didn't give them the flexibility they needed. List view expands their abilities to manage customer data, viewing and sorting it in more convenient ways.

Previously, partners were only able to look at their reconciliation tasks by service. With List view, they now have the ability to view data in a list, sortable by customer, service, or contract. Partners can easily toggle between card view (the default) and List view.

See how List view gives partners control over how they view their data:


You asked. We listened.

The changes introduced today are a response to some of the most common feedback we've received about the Synthesize user experience:

  • "I would rather see a list of my clients and the service they subscribe to..."
  • "We have been begging for list views for a long time..."
  • "Ability to aggregate usage by service name ... will be VERY helpful..."

We collect feedback like this from partners using our in-app feedback tool, called FlockTalk. FlockTalk helps us prioritize the suggestions made by partners who rank the enhancements they'd most like to see. We then incorporate their most-requested items into our product roadmap. When partners let us know what they need to have a better experience on the platform - we listen and respond!

Not a partner yet? Why not take a demo and see what Synthesize can do to save you time and money every month!


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